Join the Csecklist Csallenge now and start building stability and keeping yourself happy through the next few months.
Goal: We all keep ourselves and each other accountable for doing a checklist of actions every day to help support physical and mental health, mood, and focus during the dark cold months.
Time: November 2023 through March 2024
The fine print: You're the one who has to actually do the practices you put on your checklist, not just think about them. Sad panda. However, for the purposes of this challenge, full compliance is 80%, so doing your full checklist 24 days of the month is a perfect record.
Cost: Pay monthly: $9, $19, $39, $79, or $129 per month for five months.
Choose the amount to pay that will hurt just enough to keep you in the game but won’t destroy you if you get sick or just can’t for some reason for a few days in a row. If you need to tap out for a month to go on vacation or do something else, that's fine.
How it works: I send you the Csecklist Csallenge spreadsheet, with suggestions of daily activities. You create your own checklist of things to do each day in the spreadsheet, and check them off on your phone or laptop when you've done them, then report in to the group chat on Discord. If you don’t want to check in to anyone else, just keep track on your own. You can hang out in the Discord group to support others even if you never check in yourself.
Between the positive pressure of the check-in group, having paid the money to do the challenge, and the thrill of the spreadsheet, you'll have an easier time staying on track than you would by yourself.
Sign up and start making your checklist now to start tomorrow or the day after.